
The articles on this website represents the views of this author and various others and does not always represent the official teachings of the Moorish Science Temple of America.
ancient america

Ancient Moors in America | We Didn't Land On Plymouth Rock Because We Were Already Here

9:37 PM
ancient america

What Makes Us Moors | How Are We Moorish Americans

2:11 PM
ancient america

Rio Negro in West Africa (West Amexem) Questionnaire Key Shows America is West Amexem

6:04 PM
ancient america

Montauk Indians Declared Too Black To Be Native In Court In 1910

7:19 PM
ancient america

Science Behind The Moorish American Fez and Turban

1:16 PM
ancient america

The "Black" Tribes of Ayiti | Haiti

8:28 PM
ancient america

Wait Were The Olmec And Easter Island Heads Wearing a Fez? 😕🤔

4:58 PM
al moroc

Almoroc or America | Open Forum

7:34 PM
ancient america

An Emblem of America | 1798 Painting Showing a Black Native American

9:53 PM
african americans

The Primitive Black Nations of America | The Americas Were Populated by Black People

6:49 PM
ancient america

Why Were Mosques in Mexico in 1492?

1:29 AM
ancient america

Ancient American History | America Being the Latest and Most Accurate Desc of the New World

5:11 PM
ancient america

Georgia-Mayan Connection | Mayas in Georgia Thing on The History Channel | What You Were Never Told

11:57 AM

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